I just received notice from Photo Argus that I am one of their features photographers. Various photographers submitted advise and photos to explain their techniques. I was chosen to be one of the 15! Check this link and scroll down to my photo, same one is featured on the home page. All the photographers here share good information as well. Plus the photos are fun.
Here is their criteria:

A successful portrait photographer has many years of experience running their studio and taking photos of clients. The knowledge they gain during that time is invaluable and helps build a quality portfolio and business.

We asked 15 professional photographers to share their portrait photography advice with our readers and here are their responses. Hopefully these tips and techniques will help improve your own portrait photography aspirations or current business.
Wedding“Technical techniques are easy to learn, but what makes a great portrait is creating an atmosphere where your subject is relaxed and enjoying themselves. I ask people about themselves, their work, their families, and what they like to do. I also share a bit about myself, sometimes make fun of myself. Once we have a relationship they relax. I’m doing all this while taking photos with small breaks to talk. I will instruct people on how to pose but since we are now friends, they keep that relaxed attitude. I don’t say ‘smile’ I make them smile and it’s real.”

