Avoiding blurry photos

10 years ago

The easiest way to avoid blur is to use a tripod. This is especially important if the light is low,…

Light and photography

10 years ago

Does all this seem confusing? The reason why it’s so confusing, is, it’s so simple. Really. It is. We complicate matters. Think about…

The big 3

10 years ago

What are the big 3? Shutter speed, aperture and ISO. Once you understand and practice how these three work together…

Photographic tips continued

10 years ago

Fill the frame with your subject. Do not be afraid to get closer to your subject. On the other hand, if…

Organizing photographs

10 years ago

You want to take beautiful photographs correct? Organizing your photos is not high on the list. However before you know…

Photographic tips continue

10 years ago

Compose your shot thoughtfully. Frame the photo in your mind before framing it in the viewfinder. Consider the following rules, but…

More tips on photography

10 years ago

Take your camera everywhere. When you have a camera with you, you will start to see the world differently; you will look…

Learning to take better photographs

10 years ago

I am going to begin a sessions on learning to take better photographs. Everyone these days has great cameras, even…

Photographing wildflowers

10 years ago

It's bluebonnet season here is Texas. This year is a bumper crop from the fall rains. Flowers are wonderful subject…

The photograph that inspired my book

10 years ago

  The photograph of these angels was the inspiration that inspired the creation of my book "Tears from the Crown…