You can see Charlotte’s fine art photography in Austin, TX at the Travis Heights Art Trail the first weekend in November, the Armadillo Christmas Bazaar in December and the King William Art Show in San Antonio TX in April. However private showings at her studio are always welcome.
In Western European academic traditions, fine art is art developed primarily for aesthetics or beauty. Photography is a new addition to the fine art category. Historically, the five main fine arts were painting, sculpture, architecture, music and poetry, with performing arts including theatre and dance. Today, the fine arts commonly include additional forms, such as film, photography, video editing, video production, design, craft, conceptual art, and printmaking. However, in some institutes of learning or in museums, fine art and frequently the term fine arts(pl.) as well, are associated exclusively with visual art forms.
One definition of fine art is “a visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic and intellectual purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness, specifically, painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, graphics, and architecture.”In that sense, there are conceptual differences between the fine arts and the applied arts. As originally conceived, and as understood for much of the modern era, the perception of aesthetic qualities required a refined judgment usually referred to as having good taste, which differentiated fine art from popular art and entertainment.
The word “fine” does not so much denote the quality of the artwork in question, but the purity of the discipline according to traditional Western European canons.This definition originally excluded the applied or decorative arts, and the products of what were regarded as crafts. In contemporary practice these distinctions and restrictions have become essentially meaningless, as the concept or intention of the artist is given primacy, regardless of the means through which this is expressed