Order your copy of “Tears from the Crown of Thorns”
Price: $30.00.
Call charlotte 512 447 2150 for a personalized copy Or order it on Amazon.
In the high Sierra Madre Mountains of north central Mexico in the state of Guanajuato is the 400-year-old colonial town of San Miguel de Allende. It is the location of some of the most specular events during Semana Santa (Holy Week) in all Latin American. There is little written history of the origins of these events. They were created long ago and stories have been told through word of mouth. The customs, the processions and the statues tell the story. It all began in the 1700s with Padre Luis Felipe Neri de Alfaro the visionary priest of Atotonilco.
Written in both Spanish and English the book touches the heart and fascinates the eye with exotic locations such as a storeroom filled with angels or the midnight procession of three shrouded statues lit by candle light and carried through the night accompanied by 5000 pilgrims. Included is the story of Genero Almanza the famous santero (maker of religious statues). It illustrates his ancient process and the lineage of santeros dating back hundreds of years to Spain.
“My purpose is to give you a glimpse into one piece of Mexico. I feel that our southern neighbor is a barely discovered jewel with its intriguing and complicated culture, rich history, and enormous natural beauty.”
This coffee table style book honors the traditions and people of central Mexico.
Join Charlotte in San Miguel de Allende, MX for
The Guide to Semana Santa
The location will be announced soon.
Learn the “what, when” and “where” of the numerous events taking place in San Miguel during Holy Week
with the author of “Tears from the Crown of Thorns”.
Slide show
Book signing
100 pesos
Following are some images from the book and from the lecture.
About the Author:
Charlotte Bell is a free-lance photographer. She has exhibited her photographs throughout the United States and Mexico. It was through her fascination with the images in her photographs of Holy Week that she began her research for this book. Her exploration led her to the discovery of the santero (saint maker) of San Miguel de Allende. Through his help and that of other organizers of the processions she collected stories and history of the Holy Week events in the area leading back into the 17th century.