Food Photography Mistakes

Do you make Food Photography Mistakes? Here are some hints on how to improve your photos.
Have you ever tried taking a photo of a delicious plate of food…Only to discover that it doesn’t look as appetizing on camera? If so, you’re definitely not alone…

Here are some hints.

Correct Lighting

Light makes or breaks your food photos. The chances are it won’t be perfect by itself.

Hard light or soft light?

From the side or from behind?

What if the light just isn’t good?This can be fixed with some simple home made tools


A freshly cooked meal might be delicious…But does it look equally appetizing on camera?
Unless you have carefully styled your food, it will look flat at best… or cold and dry at worst. Styling isn’t difficult. All you need are common household tools and a few tips and tricks!

Poor props

You can’t take pictures of food in isolation. Plates, cutting boards, cutlery, glasses, napkins… Props make all the difference in your photos! They don’t have to be expensive… But you’ve got to choose the right ones!

Wrong Angle

If you’re like most people… You just pick up your iPhone and shoot. And you get just one angle. But did you know there are 4 essential food photography angles?


Have you ever taken a photo where something just doesn’t feel right? The food is great, but something is off… Well, that’s composition. There are countless bad ways to compose a food photo… And only a handful of good ones. But the good ones literally work every time!


